DASH Architects has been recognised, locally, nationally and internationally for the quality of its work. Awards include:
- UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation- Award of Merit for Medina Grand Treasury Redevelopment (in association with SJB Architects, Melbourne)
- Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA) - Lachlan Macquarie Heritage Award for the Mortlock Library Conservation Works
- RAIA - Commercial Award for the Magill Estate Winery Redevelopment (in association with AJ&C Architects, Sydney)
- Australian Institute of Architects SA Chapter (RAIA-SA) - David Saunders Heritage Award, Glanville Hall Conservation Works and New Pavilion
- AIA-SA - Award of Merit for the Oakbank Brewery Redevelopment
- RAIA-SA - Award of Merit for Medina Grand Treasury Redevelopment (in association with SJB Architects, Melbourne)
- RAIA-SA - Award of Merit (Recycling) for the Magill Estate Winery Redevelopment (in association with AJ&C Architects, Sydney)
- AIA-SA - Award of Merit for the Magill Estate Winery Redevelopment (in association with AJ&C Architects, Sydney)
- RAIA-SA - Award of Merit for Marienburg Limeburner’s’ Centre
- RAIA-SA - Award of Merit for Friend’s Meeting House, North Adelaide
- RAIA-SA - Award of Merit for Waverly House, St Andrew’s Hospital Redevelopment
- RAIA-SA – People’s Choice Award for Macclesfield Residence
- RAIA-SA - Commendation for Johnson’s Buildings Recycling
- RAIA-SA - Commendation for 20 Blackburn Street, Adelaide
- RAIA-SA - Commendation for the Adelaide GPO Restoration (in association with DPTI)
- RAIA-SA – Commendation (Sustainable Architecture) for the Burnside Millennium Project
- RAIA-SA - Commendation (Recycling) for Friend’s Meeting House, North Adelaide
- RAIA-SA - Commendation for Restoration of the Barr Smith Library
- Department for Environment and Heritage, South Australian Government (DEH) Edmund Wright Heritage Awards - Minister’s Award for Most Outstanding Contribution for Medina Grand Treasury Redevelopment (in ass. SJB Architects, Melbourne)
- (DEH) Edmund Wright Heritage Awards – Award for Heritage Place (non residential) for Medina Grand Treasury Redevelopment (in ass. SJB Architects, Melbourne)
- Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA), SA Chapter – Commendation for the Garden East Development (in association)
- National Trust of South Australia Heritage Conservation Awards – Award for 20 Blackburn St, Adelaide
- Civic Trust of South Australia - Award of Merit for Conservation Works to Terowie Railway Station Buildings
- Civic Trust of South Australia - Ian MacDonald Award for Most Outstanding Nomination for Reception Building, Keswick Barracks
- Civic Trust of South Australia – Award of Merit for the Magill Estate Winery Redevelopment (in assoc. AJ&C Architects, Sydney)
- Civic Trust of South Australia - Commendation for the Mortlock Library Redevelopment
- Civic Trust of South Australia - Commendation for the Stag Hotel Restoration
- Civic Trust of South Australia - Commendation for the Adelaide Fruit and Produce Exchange Restoration of Perimeter Buildings